Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday - noon- This is Day 5

We were in the hospital until 7PM last evening awaiting results from an xray of Sally's leg and hip related to the pain she has been experiencing. Tim came at 7PM, and we spent the remainder of the evening with him..

Sally's radiation doctor called this morning, and indicated that they would be making an appointment for Sally at their Orthopedic Clinic in the JHH Bayview Hospital sometime this weekend. The orthopedic specialists will help find a solution to releive the pain.

Sally had a better night after a change in her pain medication... Now it seems to hurt only when she attempts to put her weight on the leg.. Of course, this makes her very uncomfortable, as there is a potential for bone breakage. We ride the shuttle to and from the Hospital, and use a wheelchair in the hospital which has been very convenient.

Sally's sister and brother ( Flo and Allen) are expected today.. Most of our children will visit tomorrow.
Thanks for your notes and messages.. They are very encouraging to us...


  1. Hi, Dick and Sally, I am so excited about you creating this blog for us! I will check back often for your updates as I have been very eager for news of you.

    I am sure you are getting the best of care. And we are just some of the many who CARE about you!

    Love, Alma (and Ken)

  2. So glad to learn of this blog. We sure are happy for the updates. Hope to hear of improvments and know we're thinking of you!

    Take care.
    With love,
    Roy and DeAnn

  3. Thinking of you and the great times in your home - all the best. Thanks for the updates. Joel C

  4. Hi Dick & Sally--Thanks for keeping us posted. Our thoughts are with you daily. We think many times of the fun Sunday afternoon we spent with you at Donna's after Thanksgiving. We will check back often and wish you the best!

    With love and greetings from Montana--Sharon & Denny

  5. Thanks for the update, from
    the hospital. I do share all the concern, sorry there is so much discomfort .Hope med. gives some relief.Thoughts, prayers, love are there. Alice (Nelson)

  6. Hello, Dick and Sally.
    Ralph sent me your site, so we want to check it out.
    We hope you are getting some relief Sally. We think of both of you often. Wonderful your children can be near and help also.

    We'll leave you with this little verse.

    Stand by the God of all the earth,
    Stand by His servants true, of worth.
    Stand by His saints, the faithful few:
    Be sure the Lord will stand by you.

    Love from us both.
    Dorine and Sherm (DeLyser)

  7. Just now opening e-mail--and checking the blog... (appreciate Alicia's letting me know) so thoughts go your way... it would be early Sunday morning there (Sunday eve. here in Korea)--hope it is a good day--likely some of the children can be there today, too. Just wanted to send my love to you all--and will keep checking the blog spot... Hazel

  8. Sending love your way. Glad to know that you two have each other through these times. Such a good example to us younger couples. Hope to visit you soon! Our thoughts tonight go your way...

    Bryan and Jennifer

  9. Dear dick and Sally, I'm very gald for the updates and to know how things are going. I'm sorry for the discomfort. I just wanted to say I've always looked up to up both so much and I'm glad you have each other and your wonderful family through these difficult time. Your in my thoughts and prayers.Love,Amy
